These General Terms and Conditions of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk were drafted in consultation with the Consumentenbond [Consumer’s Association] in the context of the Self-regulation Coordination Group [Coördinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg CZ] of the Socioeconomic Council [Sociaal-ecomische Raad] and come into force on 1 June 2014
Article 1 – Definitions
Article 2 – Applicability
Article 3 – The offer
Article 4 – The agreement
Article 5 – Right of withdrawal
Article 6 – Consumer’s obligations during the reflection period
Article 7 – Exercising the Consumer’s right of withdrawal and the costs
Article 8 – Entrepreneur’s obligation in case of withdrawal
Article 9 – Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
Article 10 – The price
Article 11 – Compliance and extra guaranty
Article 12 – Delivery and execution
Article 13 – Continuing performance contract: duration, termination and extension
Article 14 – Payment
Article 15 – Complaints procedure
Article 16 – Disputes
Article 17 – Additional or varying provisions
Article 18 – Amendment to the General Terms and Conditions of Webshop Keurmerk
Article 1 – Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Article 3 – Applicability
Article 4 – The offer
Article 5 – The contract
Article 6 – Right of withdrawal
In case of products:
In case of services and digital content that is not delivered on a physical carrier:
Extended reflection period for products, services and digital content that has not been delivered on a physical carrier in case no information is given about the right of withdrawal:
Article 7 – Consumer’s obligations during the time of reflection
Article 8 – Exercising the Consumer’s right of withdrawal and the costs
Article 9 – Entrepreneur’s obligations in case of withdrawal
Article 10 – Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
The Entrepreneur can exclude the following products and services from the right of withdrawal but only if the Entrepreneur notified this clearly when making the offer or at any rate in good time before concluding the agreement:
Article 11 – The price
Article 12 – Performance of an agreement and extra Guarantee
Article 13 – Delivery and execution
Article 14 – Continuing performance agreements: duration, termination and renewal
1. The Consumer may at all times terminate a contract that was concluded for an indefinite time and which extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services, with due observance of the termination rules and subject to not more than one month’s notice.
2. The Consumer may at all times terminate a contract that was concluded for a specific time and which extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services at the end of the specific period, with due observance of the termination rules and a subject to not more than one month’s notice.
3. The Consumer can cancel the agreements mentioned in the preceding paragraphs:
– at any time and not be limited to termination at a particular time or in a given period;
– at least in the same way as they were concluded by him;
– at all times with the same notice as the Entrepreneur stipulated for himself.
4. An agreement concluded for a definite period which extends to the regular delivery of products (including electricity) or services may not be automatically extended or renewed for a fixed period.
5. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a contract for a definite period which extends to the regular delivery of dailies, newspapers, weekly newspapers and magazines, may tacitly be renewed for specific period of three months at the most if the Consumer can terminate this extended agreement towards the end of the extension with a notice of one month at the most.
6. An agreement concluded for a definite period and which extends to the regular delivery of products or services may only be extended tacitly for an indefinite period if the Consumer can cancel it at any time with a notice of one month. The notice is three months at the most in vase the contract is about a delivery of dailies, newspapers and weeklies and magazines occurring regularly but less than once a month.
7. An agreement with limited duration of regular delivery of trial dailies, newspapers, weeklies and magazines (trial or introductory subscription) is not renewed tacitly and ends automatically after the trial or introductory period.
Article 15 – Payment
Article 16 – Complaints procedure
Article 17 – Disputes
Article 18 – Additional or different provisionsAdditional provisions or deviating from these terms and conditions may not be to the detriment of the consumer and must be recorded in writing or in such a way that they can be stored by the consumer in an accessible manner on a durable medium. Article 19 – Modification of the general terms and conditions of Stichting Webshop Keurmerk1. When Stichting Webshop Keurmerk will make a change, we will inform the entrepreneur through the newsletter and place the newest conditions on our website ( Amendments to these terms and conditions shall only take effect after they have been published in the appropriate manner, on the understanding that in the case of applicable changes during the term of an offer the most favorable provision for the consumer will prevail.
Appendix I: Standard form for withdrawal
Standard Form for Withdrawal
(Complete this form and return it only when you want to revoke the agreement)
[Entrepreneur’s geographic address]
[Entrepreneur’s fax number, if available]
[Entrepreneur’s email address or electronic address]
the delivery of the following digital content [specification of the digital content]*
the performance of the following service [specification of the service]*
*) Delete and/or complete where appropriate.